
Wilkins Avenue
15 juin 20231 min de lecture
We're Making History at Viva Technology 2023!
We're incredibly excited to unveil our latest innovation with L'Oreal's Shu Uemura - physical face stickers that unlock an exclusive...

Wilkins Avenue
7 oct. 20221 min de lecture
Selected by Mercedes-Benz x Plug & Play Tech Center
Wilkins Avenue AR has been selected by Mercedes-Benz AG & Plug and Play Tech Center to be part of the 2022 STARTUP AUTOBAHN event on...

Wilkins Avenue
7 oct. 20221 min de lecture
15èmes Palmes de l'AFRC - Relation Client
Wilkins Avenue AR finaliste des 15èmes Palmes de la Relation Client de l'AFRC - Au cœur de l'Expérience Client :) Ravis d'avoir été...

Wilkins Avenue
24 mai 20221 min de lecture
We're officially partners of Snap
Thrilled to announce that Wilkins Avenue AR is now officially a partner of Snap Inc. AR ! Stay tuned for more upcoming exciting...

Wilkins Avenue
6 févr. 20221 min de lecture
Lancôme x Wilkins Avenue AR
✈️ Travel to the top of the Eiffel Tower with our latest Lancôme AR portal experience! Created by Wilkins Avenue AR, this holiday...

Wilkins Avenue
4 nov. 20211 min de lecture
Hub Institute x Wilkins Avenue AR
Thrilled that our CEO was a speaker at the HUB Institute to talk about the future of #CustomerExperience & #Entertainment in the...